How do I Change My Arris TG862 WiFi Password?

To login to Arris TG862 router and change my Arris TG862 wifi password,

  • First of all, open with your selected web browser, and enter in the address bar this IP Address,

  • Now, you will directly open to the login page where you can enter the default username: admin and password: password
  • Change  Arris TG862 default Login and Password or reset it if you don’t remember
  • Change my Arris TG862 Wifi  Password. Continue reading for detailed step-by-step instructions.

Open Arris TG862 Router IP Address

Arris TG862 Router Internal IP Address: open this link.

Note: Keep in mind you are at home and connected to home wifi to do this.

Login to the Arris TG862 Router

You will now be taken to the login page where you can enter the default username: admin and password: password to complete the login process. You are now logged in.

And no need to get your breathing rates high in case you have to change the username/ password of Arris TG862 and forgot them, as you can just reset the Arris TG862 router by press-and-hold the reset button with a clip for about 15 seconds.

Change Arris TG862 Default Login and Password

Once, the security of a network is vital, the first and primary task is to change my Arris TG862 wifi Password to a little more personal and secure Here are the steps:

  • Look for - Basic Setup(Locate the menu bar at the top of the page) , and tap on it.
  • Look for - Change Password(found in the left-hand side menu bar), and click on it.

Arris TG862 Router Password Tips:

Choose a complex and hard-to-guess password for your Arris which only you can remember.

The amount of protection directly depends on the password complexity, and the effort taken to protect the password of your Arris TG862 router, through change my Arris TG862 wifi password.

Give Password for your Arris TG862 router that you can remember. Obviously, you can make a strong and hard-to-guess password with special characters, numbers, Greek, and Latin. But finally, you will finish writing it on a sticky and putting it on the router which overcomes the purpose.

Change Arris TG862 Default Wifi Name (SSID) and Password and Enable Network Encryption

Another small suggestion is to change my Arris TG862 Wifi password (SSID) as it will make it more obvious for others to know which network they are connecting to.


  • Look for - Wireless 2.4GHz (found in the menu bar at the top of the page) , and tap on it.
  • Look for - Basic(found in the left-hand side menu bar), and click on it.

Look for Network Name (SSID), this is the wifi name of your Arris TG862 Router. Make sure that you are not using your name and home address or other personal details in the SSID name.

When you enter a name for your network, you have to enable WPA2-PSK encryption on your Arris TG862 router. It is the strongest coding pattern available for your home networks.

Type a new WPA Pre-Shared Key / Wifi Password – this is the password that you will use to connect to your home wifi. Keep it 16-20 characters and (please!) don’t use the same password that you used for the Arris TG862 router login.

Few More Settings that You can Consider for Your Arris TG862 Router-

Here are some steps to follow if you need or need not to choose review these steps; it is both obsolete and quite annoying. You can consider MAC Address filtering for the Arris TG862 router.

But, you will have to essentially log in to the router to add any new devices by feeding the device’s MAC address every time you have a guest. Your date might want to check his/her emails.

There are a lot of resources on the Internet asking to Disable SSID Broadcast on your Arris TG862, but it’s more painful for you to connect every time than the hacker. Just forget, we don’t even suggest it.

Security is a Continuous Process-

Remember to change the passwords frequently or at least once in every 6 months. On your Arris TG862, want to save or don’t want to fail just because of ignorance, negligence, or casual laziness. We may remind you while? Enter your email below. To prove we’re not spammers.

  • Published by: Super Admin
  • Brand: Arris Support
  • Last Update: 10 Oct 2024

DISCLAIMER : is an independent Technical Support Provider. We are not affiliated to any 3rd party brand unless specified. Call vendor for direct Support.

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